Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Como va la French beach...

From my blog August 2, 2009:

I am at the end of a relaxaing weekend after a stressful week. Saturday night I went with three friends into town and had Yemenese fish, an interesting dish where they char the outside and split it down the middle, remove the insides, and cook it on the grill. They serve it with a sauce that is really good. Trying new things, but at the same time mindful of what part of town I am in and the overall sanitation of a place. That place looked like a local, respectable place..and we all had a good time. I want to try Ethiopian cuisine next.

Today I went to a secluded beach, called the 'French' beach. I don't know why, as people tell me that they rarely see French there...but I did meet some Germans. It was a about 45 minutes away through the city, then desert, driving past wild goats and even camels. The water was as blue as the Carribean, and the beach was about 1/2 mile of secluded sand in an breakers, no waves, only waist deep water for about 200 feet out. There were about 12 of us. We played vollyball in the water, grilled out meats and had lunch, threw around a baseball, and spent time introducing ourselves to each other. We also used a 6 iron to hit a few balls, but that kinda stinks when you have to walk 150 yards to retrieve them. It was 'near' paradise, except the temperature was still in the 110s-120s and the sand was hotter than I have ever felt it...ouch!!

Tonight I watched the most recent Fast and Furious film, which met my expectations and I have to comically admit is the best film I have seen since I have been here (yesterdays film was 20000 leagues under the sea) because we don't have any new releases.

I just found out my good friend Dave Agey (the PA) lost his father in law unexpectedly. He going to try to get home to the states to be with his wife, who is with three kids and not taking it well. Please be careful out there...with the passing of Maw Maw I am reminded of the fragility of life and unfortunately left with the feeling of 'who's next'?

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